Deskripsi Singkat | WBGT dikembangkan sebagai basis pemantauan di kamp pelatihan militer AS dan tersebar luas untuk digunakan di tempat kerja dan situasi olahraga.
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WBGT was developed as a monitoring basis at US military training camps and became widespread for the use in workplaces and sports situation It is suggested in the international standard ISO 7243, Japan Society for Occupational Health and the SMA ( Sports Medicine Australia ) in establishing the permissible heat exposure limits in health , sports or other physical activities.
* Measurement : WBGT value ( Indoor/Outdoor ), Black globe temperature, Humidity, Air temperature, Wet bulb temperature, Dew point Temp.
Wet bulb globe temperature ( WBGT ) Range
Indoor 0 ℃ to 59 ℃ Accuracy ℃ ±1 ℃ ( 15 to 59 ℃ )
Outdoor 0 ℃ to 56 ℃ Accuracy ±1.5 ℃ ( 15 to 56 ℃ ) ±2 ℃ ( Others )
WBGT Formula :
Indoor WBGT ( Outdoor and no sun )= 0.7WB + 0.3TG
Outdoor WBGT ( Outdoor and full sun )= 0.7WB + 0.2TG + 0.1TA
Air temperature ( TA )
Range ℃ 0 to 50 ℃ Accuracy ℃ ±0.8 ℃ Resolution ℃ 0.1 ℃
℉ 32 to 122 ℉. @ 15 to 40 ℃ ℉ ±1.5 ℉ Resolution 0.1 ℉
Black globe temperature ( TG )
Range ℃ 0 to 80 ℃ , Accuracy ℃ ±0.6 ℃, Resolution 0.1 ℃
℉ 32 to 176 ℉, Accuracy 15 to 40 ℃ ℉ ±1.1 ℉, Resolution 0.1 ℉
Range 5 % to 95 % R.H, Resolution 0.1 % R.H
Accuracy ≧70% RH :±(3% reading + 1% RH). < 70% RH : ±3% RH.
Dew Point Temp.
℃ Range -25.3 ℃ to 48.9 ℃Resolution 0.1 ℃
℉ Range -13.5 ℉ to 120.1 ℉.Resolution 0.1 ℉.
Remark :
* Dew Point Temp. value is calculated from the Humidity/Air Temp. measurement automatically.
* The Dew Point Temp. accuracy is sum accuracy value of Humidity & Air Temperature
Wet bulb Temp.
℃ Range -21.6 ℃ to 50.0 ℃ Resolution 0.1 ℃
℉ Range -6.9 ℉ to 122.0 ℉. Resolution 0.1 ℉.
Standard Accessories ( Termasuk )
* Instruction manual
* Black brass ball ( with sensor)
* Soft carrying case, CA-05B
* Batere AAA ( 1.5 Volt ) = 3 Pcs
Optional Accessories ( Tidak termasuk )
* USB cable, USB-01.
* Data Acquisition software SW-U801-Win
Name Marketing: Nurjaman Survey
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Fax : (021)22054159
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